Across the Generations
A First Generation Labradoodle is a Labrador crossed with a Poodle. Burrinjuck Labradoodles do not breed any First Generation Labradoodles.
We breed both Early-Generation Labradoodles (Labradoodles crossed with Labradoodles going back one or two generations) and Multi-Generational Labradoodles (Labradoodle lines that go back four, five, six or more generations)rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
In this classification system, a Labrador crossed with a Poodle is referred as an F1 Labradoodle. If a parent breed is used in subsequent matings then it is given a prefix of ‘b’ which stands for backcross. It is common that the ‘b’ refers to a Poodle backcross however there are alternative symbols to indicate different back crosses. A suffix of “p” at the end of a generational title, refers to a ‘Poodle’ backcross. A suffix of “L” at the end, refers to a ‘Labrador’ backcross.
An alternative referencing system is to use the Prefix LO which stands for Labradoodle Origin. Early Generation Labradoodles are sometimes referred to as LO1 or LO2 labradoodles. Generally a Labradoodle that goes back four generations is referred to as a Multigenerational Labradoodle (LO4 or higher).
Foundational Labradoodles

Burrinjuck Labradoodles breed Australian Foundation labradoodles. These labradoodles have a slight infusion of Spoodle in the lineage.  Australian Foundation Labradoodles are shown with titles such as ALF1, ALF2 or ALF3, depending on their generation and the  parent breeds. If a Spoodle or a Cocker Spaniel is infused into the line, this is shown by the suffix “c” in acknowledgement of the backcross to the Cocker Spaniel.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Early Generational Labradoodles

- First Generation and Early Generation Labradoodles are known for their hybrid vigour. They enjoy less genetic health problems due to the diversity of their blood lines.
- There will invariably be great variability in the puppies born from a Labrador and a Poodle. Some puppies will look like a poodle and some puppies will look like a labrador. There may be one or two puppies that develop a hybrid appearance
- Most puppies that do not take after the poodle genes will have a shedding hair coat. The hybrid mixes will quite often have a wiry hair or mixed coat and have a shaggy, messy appearance. A wiry coat does shed but often less than a typical labrador coat.