Labradoodles are susceptible to ear infections
Common Causes of Infection
Labradoodles have long floppy ears and many labradoodles have varying amounts of wool/hair growing inside the ear canal. These two features combined, make it more likely that for this breed to develop ear infections. Ear Infections are painful for your dog and it can be both frustrating and expensive, for you, as an owner when a puppy experiences recurrent ear infections.
There are other possible diagnosis for sore ears. Obstructions such as grass seeds, ear mites, wax or dirt build-up and bacterial infections are also possible. It is recommended that your puppy is seen by a vet to determine the correct diagnosis and treatment. If a thrush infection is the cause of the problem then an antibiotic ear treatment may be recommended by your vet. ‘Apex PMP’ is an effective ear suspension for dogs. Alternatively, our vet prescribes ‘Dermotic’ which provides relief after only a few applications. It is common for veterinary care to cost between $100 to $150 per consultation. Sometimes it may be recommended for your dog to have his/her ears cleaned and hair plucked under a general anaesthetic.
Hormones and an increased body temperature also seem to contribute to the likelihood of ear infections. Lingering dampness and a lack of air circulation under the ears will create the perfect environment for ear infections. I have also heard that some dogs appear to be predisposed to ear problems with narrowed ear canals or particularly woolly ears.
Some people have discovered a link between diet, allergies and ear infections. They report that since shifting to a raw diet, the incidences of ear infections dramatically decreased. Other people have associated a dog’s diet that is high in chicken’ with increased ear infections. I wonder about the correlation with hormones and chickens and the quality of the off-cuts used in some chicken flavoured dog foods.
I don't feed Ziggy any Chicken. For some reason I felt that it was flaring up the ear infections
- There are a number of ear powders on the market. One such recommended brand is 'Elsie's Ear Powder'. A large pinch of powder is inserted into the ear canal and rubbed into the ear. Tweezers or fingers can then be used to pluck the wool and clear the canals
- Another great product to clean the ear canals is Epi-Otic. It can be squirted into the ears, daily during flare ups and on a frequent basis to clean the ears as a precautionary measure. Whenever your labradoodle gets his head wet, follow up with a squirt of Epi-Otic in each ear. Dont forget to dab the ears dry with a tissue, paper-towel or clean cloth.
- One of our families who had a dog with recurrent ear infections solved their problem with the following treatment: a solution of 1.5 mls of coconut oil (warmed in a microwave for 40 secs), syringed into the ear canal and an ear cleaner twice a day during the period of infection. An alternative remedy that has been suggested is a solution of equal parts cider vinegar and water.
- Keep the ears as dry as possible after walks or baths. Also consider shaving the lower section of the ear as this may assist with airflow and reduce moisture build-up. There are mixed opinions regarding the pulling out of the wool in the ears. Some vets suggest leaving the wool as it is a first defense against foreign invaders entering the ear canal